The God Devils
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The Order of the Scribes

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The Order of the Scribes Empty The Order of the Scribes

Post  The Stealth Sun May 03, 2009 5:41 pm

Well when you reach the rank Scribes you MOST chose one of the following three orders and keep that order in place.
The scribes are not know as Techies for nothing.
So pick your order carefully!

Orders of the scribes.

Order Of The Sword = Is about Technology within Weapons/Offense

Order Of The Shield = Is about Technology within Armor/Defense

Order Of The Quill = Is about Technology within Research

Order Of The Sword

If you have chosen Order Of The Sword. Then your responsebility are to keep the offensive site of TGD in order.
In this Order you are to keep the Members Chat section and the Games section in order. It is your responsebility to keep the order in place in those sections.
If there are anything that is not following the forums rules in those sections then it is your responsebility to take actions against it.

Order Of The Shield

If you have chosen Order Of The Shield. Then your responsebility are to keep the deffensive site of TGD in order.
In this Order you are to keep the Annoucing section and The God Devils clan section in order. It is your responsebility to keep the news coming as what there is happening around TGD and post them in out news section. And are higly to take care of new recruets, as that follows that you need to check uppon new recrutes and check theyre request to join are in order.

Order Of The Quill

If you have chosen Order Of The Quill. Then your responsebility are to keep the technologycal site of TGD in order.
In this order you are to take care of the Graphic section and the Bugs/Suport section.
You are to take care of the new request about signature and such in order. Your order is to complete thos requests. And also to help out in the support section. Whenever someone ask something in that section you are to try to take care of those problems.

©️ A copy righted ranking system. ©️
The Stealth
The Stealth
Founder/Web Admin
Founder/Web Admin

Number of posts : 311
Age : 33
Registration date : 2008-11-09

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